Thursday, 13 February 2014

Clock Update

We have now done a test on one of the Woodland Orchestra figures with the soda blaster and it will look amazing. It appears that the surfaces of the figures were engraved and then plated so there were concerns that the plating may be removed by the process. This hasn't happened. The high pressure blasting with a solution of baking soda thoroughly cleans the surface without abrading it so bringing back its sparkle.

Parts that are painted will need a dry soda treatment but this too will remove paint and grime without damaging the underlying metal. Each part will be cleaned using the most appropriate method.

We have spoken to a local company that can re-instate the bottoms of the legs to put it back to its correct height and replace the missing parts. We have also spoken to a company that can accurately reproduce the curved tubular members that disappeared from the clock when it was moved previously. So far, so good.

A restoration team meeting will take place tonight to allocate tasks.

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